Key themes in this discussion include:

  • How can institutions keep faculty engaged and motivated teaching in online learning?
  • What are some examples of successful faculty training and technical support offerings?
  • Which tools and technologies will help facilitate faculty training at scale?
  • Are your professional development and training processes agile enough to keep up with the needs of the changing landscape?

Institutions are moving toward hybrid learning courses that allow students to choose between online and in-person learning options. An overwhelming majority of provosts (74%) believe campuses will shift to somewhat or significantly more hybrid course offerings throughout the next year. However, planning and teaching hybrid courses is a new experience for many educators. So how can institutions train their faculty to create high-quality educational experiences that are accessible, engaging, and relevant?

On this webcast, experts in online and hybrid education share strategies on how institutions can rethink their approach to training and prepare for future course designs.

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