The ChallengeStruggling with inefficient online proctoring
Before the pandemic, Austin Community College District offered a few online programs but most courses were still in a face-to-face format. After being forced to go fully remote amid lockdowns, ACC realized they needed better virtual learning tools to help them truly replicate the synchronous in-person experience and efficiently proctor assessments for their 40,000 students.
“Our proctoring services were effective, but not very efficient,” recalls Zuleyka Izquierdo, Distance Education Testing Manager at ACC. “Based on the platforms that we had available to us, we were only able to do one-on-one testing. As our program grew, that was no longer sustainable. For every one appointment we had, we had about 10 students fighting for that one appointment.”
“We experimented with other tools, but many of the tools that we found only allow you to be able to do one-to-one proctoring with one student sharing their screen at a time,” adds Dr. Erasmus Addae, Associate Vice Chancellor for Distance Education at ACC. “We needed to be able to do one-to-many proctoring.”
The SolutionAdopting a virtual learning tool to improve and scale proctoring

By switching to Class’s next generation virtual classroom, ACC was able to scale their proctoring services and create a more real-life test-taking experience.
“Our faculty wanted multiple students to share their screens at the same time when they are taking tests, so we can determine what they’re doing at the time of taking the test. It provides some form of security,” explains Dr. Addae. “So we were excited when we chanced upon Class, and Class has allowed us to do that. Currently, I believe we offer one proctor to 15 students at a time, which is much more scaled out from what we used to do.”
“Once we switched to Class, it completely changed the way we were able to offer our proctoring services,” says Zuleyka. “We’re now able to offer group proctoring sessions. And Class allows us to see all the students as well as see their screens, which really helps us with upholding testing integrity.”

Flexible, scalable proctor view

“Many tools only allow one-to-one proctoring, but we were also looking for something that gave us a capability to be able to do one-to-many proctoring. Class allowed us to scale to 1:15 proctoring,” shares Dr. Addae.
Real-time learning tools

“One of the functionalities that I really like about Class is the ability to deploy learning tools in real time. For example, the faculty member can deploy quizzes and assignments in real time, and then also have the ability to proctor the students in real time,” says Dr. Addae.
Outstanding support from Class
“The Class team quickly developed training documents and guides that we could provide to the students as well as to the proctors. Very easy, very simple to follow anytime I had any issues that even weren’t quite related to technical support,” recalls Zuleyka.
Features that can re-engage students

“Class helps us with classroom management. If a student was disengaged in the virtual synchronous space, there was no way for the faculty to know what the students were doing. But Class allows us to re-engage the student so they’re brought back to their classroom,” notes Dr. Addae.
The ResultDriving efficiency and equity in an online learning environment
By transitioning their proctoring services to Class, ACC has saved over $500,000. Class has empowered staff with a more efficient classroom management tool and students with a more flexible exam experience, which ensures test integrity and lasting comprehension.
“Being able to use Class for proctoring has given the faculty more time in the classroom to teach, which is actually beneficial to the student. This gives them more time to learn the information that they need to be successful in the course. It also allows them to schedule their exams at their convenience and at a convenient location for themselves, which really helps reduce test anxiety for them. Therefore, making them more successful in the end,” notes Zuleyka.
“We are in the business of providing education,” concludes Dr. Addae. “We are in the business of training people and giving them skills so they can find the jobs of tomorrow and today. Class has helped us adapt, stay nimble, and deliver a more effective online environment for staff and a more equitable education for our students.”
With Class, ACC:
Saved $500K on proctoring costs
“By eliminating our third-party proctoring and bringing it in-house with Class, we’ve saved $500,000. Now, we can reallocate those funds towards supporting our financially disadvantaged students,” says Dr. Addae.
Provides more secure, effective proctoring
“Class allows us to see the student and their screens, which helps us uphold testing integrity. We’re able to communicate with them privately. The students also have privacy where they cannot see each other. Overall, it just really increased the effectiveness of our ability to proctor,” boasts Zuleyka.
Expanded virtual proctoring program
“Class has allowed us to offer our services beyond just asynchronous online courses. Now, we’re able to offer our services to the hybrid courses as well. And in the future, I’m hoping that we can incorporate all of the distance learning platforms,” says Zuleyka.
Ready to see what Class can do for your organization?