Class for K-12The best virtual learning happens in Class

Experience the most powerful virtual classroom for K-12 schools and districts. Class helps educators engage students, foster collaboration, and boost student success with an online platform built for project-based learning.
k-12 student on laptop computer taking virtual class

Trusted by 10M+ users from 1,500+ institutions in 75+ countries

Trusted by 10M+ users from 1,500+ institutions in 75+ countries

Build a community of learning

With Class’s virtual classroom platform—built on Zoom and Microsoft Teams—teachers can bring lessons to life through interactive, synchronous online learning sessions. With a suite of robust learning tools, teachers can facilitate active learning for students, creating a space that fosters collaboration, interaction, and discussion. The result is the best method of online learning—one that everyone can access.

Easy to use

Class is designed with our users in mind, ensuring it’s quick to learn and easy to use. Intuitive tools and a clean interface make Class seamless to adopt for teachers and students alike—a solution that everyone can get behind.

Everything in one place

Elevate lesson plans with our robust learning tools and other browser-based apps, all accessed directly within Class. Content is organized as tabs so teachers and students can stop jumping between apps and stay focused on the lesson.

Tools built for hands-on learning

Bring lessons to life by creating scalable, engaging learning experiences with Class. Get students involved in every lesson and create a truly active learning environment with tools that support collaboration and learner engagement.

Maximize COVID Relief Funding Impact through Online Learning

The future of online learning for K-12

With 92% of educators saying learner engagement is a key driver of student success, the need to craft virtual environments that support active learning is critical.

Improve student engagement

Spark excitement in the virtual classroom by engaging students with tools like instructional whiteboards and interactive content. Collaborate in enhanced breakout rooms, encouraging students to better absorb the material through discussion. Live formative assessments and reactions empower students to participate in the lesson.

Customize instruction for different needs

All students have unique learning needs. With Class, you can cater lessons and instruction to serve every student. Facilitate collaborative sessions, provide individual support, and make learning interactive. Give every student the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

New research finds Class impacts learner engagement better than traditional web conferencing

When compared to learners using other video conferencing platforms, learners using Class:

Reported feeling


less distracted and better able to follow along with instruction

Reported feeling



more confidence in their ability to perform what they just learned


Perceived their instructor as


more caring and aware of their feelings—after just one session

Perceived their instructor as

Class partnered with Tripod Education Partners to explore how Class’s virtual classroom engages learners in comparison to traditional video or web conferencing tools.

Ready to improve learner engagement for your district?

Remove barriers and increase access

The future of education is one that works for everyone. With Class, expand access and bring quality online education to more students, regardless of where they live. Recruit talented teachers from anywhere and offer flexible virtual instruction models to serve more students.

Measure impact and effectiveness

With traditional video conferencing, virtual learners can easily get distracted and fall behind without teachers noticing. Class’s data dashboard empowers educators with powerful insights into learner engagement, participation, and instructional effectiveness to provide whole child support.

Seamless LMS Integrations

Class integrates with every major LMS through LTI to bring existing class materials into the live virtual classroom. With Class’s enhanced LMS integration, import class rosters and automatically sync student attendance and grades with your LMS.

Featured LMS integrations for K-12

Powerful teaching and learning tools for the future of education

Class gives students the best virtual learning experience possible regardless of location or circumstance. With tools that facilitate active learning—from videos to polls to interactive screen sharing, Class has everything your virtual classroom needs.

Collaborative, Active LearningLearn by doing

It’s hard to learn from just watching a screen. Class’s hands-on learning tools empower students to interact with class content, connect with their teachers and peers, and learn together in a live virtual environment.


SEAMLESS COURSE SETUP & DELIVERYScalability made simple​

Stop jumping between apps and bring everything into one unified space. LMS integrations and course templates connect your class content with live lessons to deliver everything you need to create a complete, seamless virtual learning experience.


Data & automationFocus on the learning

Make life easier for teachers with tools that streamline online education. Automatically take attendance, transcribe classes, and measure student participation. View real-time analytics into a digestible, easy-to-read data dashboard.


Flexible, Accessible InterfaceVirtual learning made easy

Class’s intuitive UI was designed to be easy to use and meet the needs of all students. Seating charts keep teachers organized. Flexible layouts are customizable to meet teaching and learning needs.


Collaborative, Active LearningLearn by doing

It’s hard to learn from just watching a screen. Class’s hands-on learning tools empower students to interact with class content, connect with their teachers and peers, and learn together in a live virtual environment.


SEAMLESS COURSE SETUP & DELIVERYScalability made simple​

Stop jumping between apps and bring everything into one unified space. LMS integrations and course templates connect your class content with live lessons to deliver everything you need to create a complete, seamless virtual learning experience.


Data & automationFocus on the learning

Make life easier for teachers with tools that streamline online education. Automatically take attendance, transcribe classes, and measure student participation. View real-time analytics into a digestible, easy-to-read data dashboard.


Flexible, Accessible InterfaceVirtual learning made easy

Class’s intuitive UI was designed to be easy to use and meet the needs of all students. Seating charts keep teachers organized. Flexible layouts are customizable to meet teaching and learning needs.


Built on trusted platforms

Class’s next generation virtual classroom harnesses the performance, scale, and familiarity of industry-leading video-first communications platforms, Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

Training & ServicesTraining and support to ensure success

Class offers unique training packages to onboard and enable your teaching community to effectively adopt Class. Our services are comprehensive, customized, and ongoing for an effortless end-to-end experience.

See how Class customers are transforming virtual learning for their district

Learn more about Class for K-12

See how Class can help your school offer the best learner experience